Oceanus prometheus bound. ― Aeschylus, quote from Prometheus Bound. Oceanus prometheus bound

 ― Aeschylus, quote from Prometheus BoundOceanus prometheus bound PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE

Like Oceanus, Helios, the Titan son of Hyperion, certainly remained free to drive his sun-chariot daily across the sky, taking an active part in events subsequent to the Titanomachy. And the blasts of the winds universal, leap free, And blow each upon each, with a passion of sound,—. Like Oceanus, he is an obedient but unwilling servant. It is Prometheus's compassion for humans that has resulted in the torment the. 1) as well as a dictum attributed to Heraclitus, that he claimed to have searched himself out. The theme was popular among the 19th. TIME. Rather than being a series of actions that depict the events leading up to Prometheus being punished by Zeus, the play starts at the point where Prometheus is brought to the rock. Aeschylus. Prometheus says he has foreseen that one day Zeus will need his help. 415 BC. he is still a slave because he obeys Zeus completely. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Author of Prometheus Bound?, Zeus's Lacky, Who dragged Prometheus onto stage in beginning. In Prometheus's words, humanity advances from dire need and fear of nature to a deeper understanding, advancement in survival, art, divination, and finally mining, which symbolizes the progress of civilization in the consecutive discovery and use of bronze, iron, silver, and finally gold. —Mythical. Prometheus. That this group of young women outright rebukes and. R. Supporting. ― Aeschylus, quote from Prometheus Bound. PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. The last of these, however, is usually attributed by modern scholars to an unknown playwright. 525 BC to c. It is irrelevant that. And red eddies of lightning flash fires in my face—. He may be too arrogant for his own good. The characters are strongly delineated (Hephaistos, Prometheus, Oceanus, the First Daughter, Io and Hermes) and, while no action takes place on stage, the monologues are harrowing enough in the tales they recount, and the finale when the Titan is hurled down into. Prometheus was a Titan, the son of Iapetus. 456 BCE). The Persians, 2. txt) or view presentation slides online. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. He counsels prudence in offering to intercede with. Aeschylus. A summary of Lines 907–1093 in Aeschylus's Prometheus Bound. The last of these, however, is usually attributed by modern scholars to an unknown playwright. Titan war, threatened to destroy humanity, and then went a little overboard with the punishment. Four figures walk. Phorcys was depicted as a grey-haired,. To this the near affinity of blood Moves me; and be assur'd, that tie apart, There'is not´who can tax my dear regardTyranny as a word in and of itself is a main character in Prometheus Bound. A summary of Themes in Aeschylus's Prometheus Bound. Aeschylus. It is based on the myth of Prometheus, the Titan who was punished by the god. Page 61 note 2 Welcker, , Die aeschylische Trilogie Prometheus (Darmstadt, 1824)Google Scholar, in his chapter on the character of Zeus, quotes (pp. ) : "[Prometheus] lofty-minded son of Themis who counsels. It is the statue of Oceanus that made the fountain an iconic landmark. They are accompanied by Hephaistos. PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. Aeschylus may have fought against the Persians at Marathon (490 BC), and he did so again at Salamis (480 BC). Aeschylus. Aeschylus. TIME. POWER: divine agent of Zeus. The threat from above is particularly sharp for Prometheus in contrast to his own position. Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound, has Oceanus free to visit his nephew Prometheus sometime after the war. TIME. Prometheus to tell Zeus his future. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. Greek cosmology describes three generations of gods, (1) Heaven (Earth and Sky) and the Titans, (2) Kronos, and (3) Zeus and his Olympian hierarchy. —Mythical. Oceanus, god of the ocean, expresses sympathy for Prometheus but also urges him to restrain his speech and try to get along with Zeus. Prometheus is tormented by the Caucasian eagle. OCEANUS. [7] Other authors relate the same of her sister Asia. C. (It was really just the Atlantic—maybe. —Mythical. It was the first part of a trilogy. Three gods—Hephaestus, Power, and Violence—are leading a fourth, Prometheus, who is their prisoner. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. TIME. He warns Oceanus to stay away from him so that he will not also incur Zeus's wrath. SCENE. Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound - Greek Tragedy C5th B. C. SCENE. FRAGMENTS 57 - 154. Okeanos goes to Prometheus ’s aid when Prometheus is chained to the mountain, and intends. For this reason it stands out in a genre fixated principally on human suffering, where ‘death carries overwhelmingly more weight. Oceanus on the other hand was a Titan god along. As a group, the Oceanids form the chorus of the ancient Greek tragedy Prometheus Bound, coming up from their cave beneath the ground to console the chained Titan Prometheus. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. Prometheus. 2 His name signifies "forethought," as. Find out more about the characters in Prometheus Bound. TIME. The Titan god of oceans and streams. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir. Prometheus tells them the story. Prometheus also proves his friendship to Io as he tells her, at her request, of her. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. And unto thee, Prometheus, am I come, Guiding this winged monster with no rein, Nor any bit, but mind's firm masterdom. The last of these, however, is usually attributed by modern scholars to an unknown playwright. SCENE. D. Prometheus Bound [New York and London 1975] trans. Prometheus Bound reads like a middle play: the action is already afoot, and the ending is inconclusive. OCEANUS Now have I traversed the unendi. Prometheus pities his brothers, Atlas and Typho, imprisoned by Zeus. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. Essentially this is a drama of ideas, and those ideas probe the nature of the cosmos. Hephaestus, Oceanus and Prometheus use the word to. 466–459bc Tr: 1777 G: Greek trag. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. E Translated by G. But we're not alone. Prometheus, I am gazing on thee now! With the cold breath of fear upon my brow, Not without mist of dimming tears, While to my sight thy giant stature rears. The Helpers Enter the Cow. CHORUS: daughters of Oceanus. Prometheus Bound. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. When the play opens, we see the result of this situation: Prometheus is chained up to a rock. 4 Io arrives, and Prometheus predicts her future. SCENE. —Mythical. The Bosporus. SCENE. Prometheus Bound Aeschylus Study Guide Summary Summary & Analysis Lines 1–127 Lines 128–284 Lines 285–560 Lines 561–906 Lines 907–1093 Full Play Full Play. Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 528 ff : "[Chorus of Okeanides :] Nor may I be slow to approach the gods, with holy sacrifices of oxen slain, by the side of the ceaseless stream of Okeanos (Oceanus), my father; and may I not offend [Zeus] in speech; but may this rule abide in my heart and never fade away. Character description, analysis and casting breakdown for Oceanus from Prometheus Bound Join StageAgent today and unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. TIME. In Greek mythology Oceanus was the primordial Titan god of the great, earth-encircling River Ocean, font of all of the earth's fresh-water - rivers, wells, springs and rain-clouds. Prometheus Bound (AncientGreek , Promtheus Desmts) is an Ancient Greek tragedy. Gaea the Earth, Athenian red-figure calyx krater C5th B. As a common noun, the word received almost the modern sense of ocean. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. In knowingly choosing rebellion, Prometheus set the stage, defining a choice of opposing tyranny and unjust laws, starting the march down the long path towards equality under the law. 99. The point that the Chorus makes here is different from the one Oceanus had made in the first quotation above. The Greeks imagined the sky as a solid dome of brass, decorated with stars, whose edges descended to rest upon the outermost limits of the flat earth. Prometheus says he appreciates the effort but declines. C. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. SCENE. "But here I am hung as a plaything of storms / And a mark. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. He volunteers to help out Prometheus, but Prometheus rejects the offer since it would mean sucking up to Zeus. – within the scope of Prometheus Bound’s plot. ARGUMENT OCEANUS. Homer, The Iliad - Greek Epic C8th B. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. SCENE. Prometheus, a Titan who defies the gods and gives fire to mankind, acts for which he is subjected to perpetual punishment. Dramatis Personae KRATOS BIA HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS OF THE OCEANIDES OCEANUS IO Scene Mountainous country, and in the middle of a deep gorge a Rock, towards which KRATOS and BIA carry the gigantic form of PROMETHEUS. PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. SCENE. 466–459bc Tr: 1777 G: Greek trag. TIME. The last of these, however, is usually attributed by modern scholars to an unknown playwright. PROMETHEUS BOUND. , British Museum SOURCES GREEK. The chorus are the first to come upon Prometheus as he is chained to the mountain face, and they are exceedingly compassionate and sympathetic to. IMAGE DETAILtransfer. Prometheus is discovered bound to the Precipice. Prometheus Bound, more than any other ancient Greek tragedy, is filled with painful, phatic, un-reasoned cries. At least Hephaestus and Hermes are. When Oceanus finally decides to quit the scene, he does so by. Prometheus. He also tricked Zeus into allowing man to keep the best part of. 24. Oceanus is on a few shields like Achilles and Hesiod’s Shield of Heracles. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. In Prometheus Bound, Prometheus is the only character who suffers, or is going to suffer. PROMETHEUS BOUND DRAMATIS PERSONAE . In antiquity, it was attributed to Aeschylus, but is now considered by some scholars to be the work of another hand, and perhaps one as late as c. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. Of his many plays, seven still remain. TIME. Supporting. Heracles liberates the Titan Prometheus. —Mythical. SCENE. At least Hephaestus and. —Mythical. —Mythical. 415 BC. They are accompanied by Hephaistos. Like Oceanus, Helios, the Titan son of Hyperion, certainly remained free to drive his sun-chariot daily across the sky, taking an active part in events subsequent to the Titanomachy. In Greek mythology, Prometheus created man from clay and stole fire for human use. Although Tethys had no active role in Greek mythology and no established cults, she was depicted in mosaics decorating. Aeschylus' 'Prometheus Bound': A Literary Commentary 1 Aeschylus and Athens (2nd edn, London 1946) 322, (Toronto 1980) 120-37; cf. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir. In art Oceanus was a common subject; he appears on the François Vase ( see Kleitias ), the Gigantomachy of the altar at Pergamum, and numerous Roman sarcophagi. But we're not alone. Full Play Summary. Aeschylus. 3) Clymene. Prometheus Bound (Ancient Greek: Προμηθεὺς Δεσμώτης, Promētheus Desmōtēs) is an Ancient Greek tragedy. Getting straight to the point, Oceanus expresses his. Oceanus arrives riding a winged steed, saying that he is sympathetic to Prometheus' plight and wishes to help him if he can. —Mythical. AESCHYLUS, PROMETHEUS BOUND. But " other gods" is the key here: even if Hephaestus and Oceanus and Power and Violence hop to it to do Zeus's bidding, Prometheus. We know what she wants—to be human again and for Zeus to be left. Prometheus Bound. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. Their children were dangerous sea-monsters--the sailor-devouring Scylla, the sea-serpent Ladon, the she-dragon Echidna, the one-eyed Graeae, and the petrifying Gorgons. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. Produced at an unknown date, probably after Aeschylus’ death but certainly no later than 430 bc (see Introduction), together with. TIME. But the real action in the Greek playwright Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound is in the dialogue and Prometheus’ attitude. Source: This version of the story of Prometheus was adapted by Dan from the play Prometheus Bound, originally written by the Hephaestus. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir. —Mythical. He also pities the suffering of other gods, and he doesn't want to see Oceanus suffer because of him. People don't live there because it is infertile, and they wouldn't be able to survive. Scene---A rocky ravine in the mountains of Scythia. IO: daughter of Inachus. ― Aeschylus, quote from Prometheus Bound. 430 B. 16. —Mythical. Despite these doubts of authorship, the play's designation as Aeschylean has remained conventional. Of the 76 plays he is known to have written only seven survive--1. Weir Smyth) (Greek tragedy C5th B. Oh marvellous sky, and swiftly winging winds, And streams, and myriad laughter of sea-waves, And universal mother earth, I call ye ⁠ 100 (90) And the all-seeing sun to look on me, What I, a god, endure from other gods. pptx), PDF File (. E. Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 88 ff (trans. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. [1] Despite these doubts of authorship, the play's designation as Aeschylean has. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. Earth is rocking in space! And the thunders crash up with a roar upon roar—. TIME. SCENE. The Oceanids appear and attempt to comfort Prometheus by conversing with him. Zeus is Prometheus Bound 's Big Bad. HERMES: divine son of Zeus. Now hear the sequel, the ensuing woes The damsel must endure from Hera's hate. OCEANUS: a god of the sea. PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. A Titan named Oceanus. It is concerned with the. Fire was considered to be the last gift that enabled a. As punishment for his rebelliousness Prometheus was sentenced with eternal torment by Zeus; bound to a rock by chains, he was visited each day by an eagle who fed off his liver. tear at Prometheus's liver and limbs? His heart and liver are forever regenerating and the eagle is ironic. Ocean has a conversation with Apollo, the. “There is no sickness worse for me that words that to be kind must lie. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. But Cronos cast down his father Ouranos, and ruled in his stead, until Zeus his son cast him down in his turn, and became King of Gods. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. Ocean Character Analysis. Only in an Ancient Greek tragedy would trying to make peace actually become conflict. 525 to c. M. On the one hand, Oceanus admonishes Prometheus for speaking in such a way as to stir up Zeus’s wrath; but he also tells Prometheus he will try to soothe Zeus with his words. C. SCENE. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. C. First things first: the chorus is made up of nymphs, daughters of the sea-god Oceanus. POWER, servant of Zeus HEPHAESTUS. The children of the Titan Oceanus and Tethys; there are the countless nymphs of the rivers and streams of the earth; their name means "the daughters of Ocean. , British Museum. Daddy's Girls. Prometheus Bound (1) - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. Okeanos Character Analysis. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. In Greek mythology, Hesione ( / hɪˈsaɪ. Prometheus took an animal and divided the choice cuts of the meat from the bones and other less savory tissues. 18-75. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. The dialogue contains a sustained stichomythia between Prometheus and Oceanus, and also a unique series of quatrains sung by the chorus. Character summaries written by smarty-pantsed PhDs that will make you look smart. Herington. E Dramatis Personae. . TIME. Prometheus Bound. "But here I am hung as a plaything of storms / And a mark for my enemies' laughter!" (8), claims Prometheus. In Prometheus's words, humanity advances from dire need and fear of nature to a deeper understanding, advancement in survival, art, divination, and finally mining, which symbolizes the progress of civilization in the consecutive discovery and use of bronze, iron, silver, and finally gold. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. (Chorus, Prometheus, Oceanus) Prometheus tells the Chorus how his mother (Themis or Earth) counseled him to take sides with Zeus against Kronos, and how he saved the race of mortals from destruction against the will of Zeus. * Panthea and Ione are seated at his feet. In Prometheus's words, humanity advances from dire need and fear of nature to a deeper understanding, advancement in survival, art, divination, and finally mining, which symbolizes the progress of civilization in the consecutive discovery and use of bronze, iron, silver, and finally gold. In Antiquity, this drama was attributed to Aeschylus, but is now considered by some scholars to be the work of another hand, perhaps one as late as ca. Translated by Smyth, Herbert Weir. The Persians, 2. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus. PROMETHEUS BOUND. KRATOS BIA HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS OF THE OCEANIDES OCEANUS IO Scene Mountainous country, and in the middle of a deep gorge a Rock, towards which KRATOS and BIA carry the gigantic form of PROMETHEUS. Tyranny in and of itself has a negative connotation that places one ruthless figure at the center of power without a system of governing other. —Mythical. Aeschylus. 4) Hermes. CHORUS: daughters of Oceanus. 1 Prometheus is chained to the rocky cliff by Hephaestus. OCEANUS Prometheus, all too plainly I behold: And for the best would counsel thee: albeit Thy brain is subtle. [In a remote mountainous region of Scythia. Prometheus Bound Plot Diagram. —Mythical. IO, daughter of Inachus, loved by Zeus. " Is sometimes called a Titan, though in reality he did not belong to the Titans, but was only a son of the Titan Iapetus (whence he is designated by the patronymic Iapetionides, Ἰαπετιονίδης 1) by Clymene, so that he was a brother of Atlas, Menoetius, and Epimetheus. Prometheus Bound is an Ancient Greek tragedy. Prometheus Bound By Aeschylus Written ca. He is a rare example of a Greek tragic hero whose faults, such as excessive pride and stubbornness, ennoble him. [7] Some sources, however, made Epimetheus the son of Prometheus and Clymene. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. —Mythical. This scene, in which Io, plagued by the love of Zeus, enters and asks Prometheus about her fate, contains extensive descriptions of her future wanderings and the world that she will be wandering through. The last of these, however, is usually attributed by modern scholars to an unknown playwright. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. That bird Herakles. Oceanus says he will try to intervene on Prometheus's behalf, but Prometheus,. Prometheus Bound Aeschylus - Prometheus Bound is an Ancient Greek tragedy. Like his daughters, the chorus, Okeanos is compassionate and sympathetic of Prometheus’s predicament, but. Prometheus Bound was an Ancient Greek tragedy attributed to the playwright Aeschylus. PROMETHEUS & THE WAR OF THE TITANS. OCEANUS. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of Prometheus Bound and what it means. In Scythia. J. Oceanus is the god of… wait for it… the Ocean. The goddess Persephone, holding a four-headed Eleusinian torch, and a winged, serpent-haired Erinys stand witness. The actors draw on the rhythmical qualities of the poetic text, converting them into stage action through. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. AESCHYLUS was a Greek tragedian who flourished in Athens in the early C5th B. TIME. It is based on the myth of Prometheus, the Titan who was punished by the god. —Mythical. E. Terms in this set (15) Who is Prometheus? Son of Titan Iaepetos. Power is the god of… wait for it. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. POWER and FORCE HEPHAESTUS PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. Learn. He is a rare example of a Greek tragic hero whose faults, such as excessive pride and stubbornness, ennoble. Prometheus Bound. Prometheus cryptically tells them that he knows of a potential marriage that would lead to Zeus's downfall. —A rocky height, overlooking the ocean, in the uttermost parts of Scythia. The passage is too long to quote, but basically. TIME. It seems reasonable to think that the trilogy ended, as did the Oresteia, with a triumph of civilization over tyranny, and a celebration of the rule of. FORCE: divine agent of Zeus. SCENE. OCEANUS Now have I traversed the unending plain And. PROMETHEUS: a Titan. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter. TIME. Like his daughters, the chorus, Okeanos is compassionate and sympathetic of Prometheus’s predicament, but Prometheus implies. PROMETHEUS BOUND, TRANSLATED BY HERBERT WEIR SMYTH DRAMATIS PERSONAE. Join StageAgent today and unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. AESCHYLUS was a Greek tragedian who flourished in Athens in the early C5th B. Oceanus also appears in Aeschylus’s Prometheus Bound. HERMES: divine son of Zeus. Thoreau PERSONS OF THE DRAMA KRATOS and BIA, (Strength and Force) HEPHAISTUS, (Vulcan) PROMETHEUS CHORUS OF OCEAN NYMPHS OCEANUS IO, Daughter of Inachus HERMES KRATOS and BIA, HEPHAISTUS, PROMETHEUS KR. Zeus got angry and bound Prometheus. HESIONE PRONOIA (Pronoea) was the Okeanid-nymph wife of the Titan Prometheus. Prometheus Bound is an ancient Greek play usually attributed to Aeschylus. Prometheus Bound By Aeschylus. PROMETHEUS CHORUS of the Daughters of Oceanus OCEANUS IO, daughter of Inachus HERMES. Unlike Oceanus and Hephaestus, Zeus's. She was the wife of Oceanus, the earth-encircling, fresh-water stream, and the mother of the Potamoi (Rivers), the Oceanids (nymphs of springs, streams and fountains), and the Nephelae (Clouds). Okeanos Character Analysis. —Mythical. Aeschylus. A summary of Lines 128–284 in Aeschylus's Prometheus Bound. Just as they're heading down, their dad shows up. SCENE. TIME. OTHER IMAGESPrometheus Bound. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. —Mythical. SCENE. Prometheus Bound. Eventually, he entertains the Zeus-beloved and Hera-stalked Io (McNiven), the Polonius-like Oceanus (Bartenieff), the insolent Hermes (Dixon), and a babbling chorus (Therese Barbato, Autumn. Prometheus Bound's story is about the punishment that Zeus inflicts upon Prometheus for giving the human race the gift of fire. Because Prometheus, a Titan, has stolen fire from heaven for the benefit of the infant. HEPHAESTUS: divine son of Zeus, the artisan god. Weir Smyth) (Greek tragedy C5th B. A summary of Themes in Aeschylus's Prometheus Bound. Suppliant Women, 4 - 6. 2. (And no lighting bolts. Learn to know thy. Produced at an unknown date, probably after Aeschylus’ death but certainly no later than 430 bc (see Introduction), together with Prometheus Unbound (which directly followed it); the other plays in the production cannot be identified. TIME. Location. 92–94) with disapproval from the letter of a ‘friend’ who believes that the Prometheus Bound represents only a phase of the struggle among the gods, and that in the sequel the tyranny disappeared; Zeus. At last, Oceanus leapt back on his winged horse and flew away to his home. SCENE. They tell Prometheus that.